If we say that sex can cure all the diseases you won’t believe us and you’re right. But it’s true that sex can improve mood and state of health in many situations. Unfortunately we prefer spending money on doctors and psychotherapists not suspecting that the situation can be improved in a much easier way – by having good sex with your loved one.
How to understand that you urgently need a good dose of sex? In this article we present several troubles that can be fixed with active sexual life.
You got PMS

One of displays of this unpleasant condition is pain. Aches in head, belly and back… For some women this time is so hard, that doctors prescribe them painkillers and hormones. But if these women tried to have sex during PMS, they would notice improvement of their state without any medicines.
Why does it happen?
First during sex endorphin is produced and it’s a natural analogue of morphine – the strongest painkiller that is addictive.
Second during the sexual intercourse estrogens are produced, which confronts another hormone – progesterone. And it is it that is the reason of nagging and lingering premenstrual pain in different parts of body and emotional condition swings.
You keep diets all the time but the weight doesn’t reduce

Of course you don’t have to think that sex can help to reduce weight dramatically. But if reasonable and balanced diet is added with regular sexual exercises, it becomes more effective.
One should pay attention at the fact that during sex act muscles of hips, buttocks and lower part of belly get the biggest strain. These parts are problematic for women. And sex is great and nice way to tighten them up.
And also intimate stuff affect positively on producing of testosterone. Although this hormone is considered to be a male one, it is also produced in female body in small quantities. It is responsible for strength and elasticity of muscles.
Herewith sex is an essential cardio workout, because pulse and breath is intensified twice and body get loads that can be compared with short distance run and weight lifting.
You catch a cold often

It means that immunity fails. But why? It’s difficult to answer. But we know for sure that blood of people who have regular sex has thirty percent more protective antibodies that those who prefer sexual abstinence or play hooky. Respectively sexually active folks suffer flu three times rarely.
Main thing is not to catch another kind of infection. But condom will protect you from them.
You don’t like the size of your breast
It can sound incredible, but regular sex can enlarge your breast. Of course it won’t enlarge it much, but a little bit. How does it work? On one side blood circuit is activated during sex. On the other side sexual hormones, production of which is increased during sex, affect breasts.
You complain on bad memory
It’s complicated for you to get new information, to deal with a new gadget or read the third page of a book. You don’t remember what was on the first one? It’s clear: you need sex urgently!
American scientists proved that IQ of women who have orgasms regularly is several points higher than those who prefer to have no sex. It’s all about blood circulation. Brain cells get twice more oxygen and nourishment during sex. It means that brain activity and ability becomes higher.
The work of hypothalamus affect our cognitive abilities as it coordinates all hormonal system. Getting more oxygen this organ starts functioning in a more quality way and we get smarter.
You see signs of aging on your face

You won’t get away from getting old, but you can postpone it. With the help of sex of course. Because the hormones that are produced during sex positively affect on collagen, protein that is responsible for skin elasticity.
American researchers confirm: women who have regular sex (2-3 times a week) look 3-5 years younger than their sexually passive peers.
Besides sex normalizes progesterone balance what lets get rid of pimples on your face. Have sex and be beautiful!
You have insomnia
Problems with sleep is scourge of our times. Pressure, stress, large loads of information and plenty of things to do (that we don’t have time for) bother our sleeping. And do you know that during the orgasm hormones of sleep are made out? That’s why after sex men fall asleep. These hormones will be useful for you too: the sleep will be sweet and deep, and rest will be good.
You are always unsatisfied with yourself
Regular discontent with yourself, your appearance, character, your achievements says about low self-esteem. But if you feel desired and loved often, if you permanently get proof of your beauty and attractiveness with attention and caress from a man, your opinion about yourself will change. And you’ll be able to take yourself as you are with all you advantages and disadvantages.