Which ways don’t we women use to find the way to the heart of a man that we like. Some think it can be found thru delicious food and others think only sex can help. Actually both opinions have right to live because they are confirmed by previous generations of our predecessors.
But sometimes it happens like this: a woman is attractive, she cooks so delicious, and she is good in bed. But she doesn’t arouse any feelings in the man she wants. There is a lack of something. Some important part is missing, that can start a chain of chemical reactions and can set the fire of love.
Most of our readers already know that our feelings mainly depend on hormones. And hormones are nothing but physiology that can affected by different ways.
No we won’t teach you how to make a elixir of love. We’ll tell you how to make a man fall in love with you on the level of physiological processes.
His vision

Everybody knows that men love by their eyes. But not many ones know that this idea has proof. It turns out to be that in visionary perception of man takes one quarter of neurons more that it takes from women. It means that picture is important for men.
Clothes, haircut, make up, figure – all these things matter much for a man, even if he stays on the opposite. Man involuntarily estimates the appearance of a woman at first seconds of acquaintance and it can influence on the further course of events. Here we make a conclusion: watch your appearance and don’t let yourself be untidy and messy.
And one more little secret. Quite often a man chooses a woman who resembles his mother. Not the way she looks now, but in the way she looked when the man was a child. If you can look at photos your dearie’s mother when she was young, you can try to look like she.
His sense of smell

The meaning of smell was underrated for long time and only decades after scientists came to conclusion that it is smell that becomes the crucial factor of unconscious choice.
But it doesn’t mean that one should pour perfume on oneself. We talk about natural odour that everyone of us has.
First and foremost the state of immunity affects on a smell of a person. We choose a person with a strong immunity unconsciously. And it can be made stronger by simple means: tempering, sports, vitamins.
One more important part of our smell is pheromones. Their influence can hardly underestimated. The most important one is copulin. It is produced in a female body during ovulation. So this period is good not only for making a child but also for attracting the man you are interested in and starting relationship with him.
We also got bad news for our readers. There is one thing in our smell that we can’t influence. Our unconsciousness chooses a man with a DNA that is completely different from ours. And it can be defined by our sense of smell. It means if DNA of a man looks like yours, you likely won’t get him despite all your efforts. Chemistry of love won’t start. But at the same time it’s great, the nature ensures highly diversified DNA for our children. It gives them opportunity to have strong health.
If the nature tells “no” to your relationship, you’d better listen to it.
His hearing

Although we women love by ears, don’t underestimate the meaning of hearing for men. Everybody is glad to hear a nice voice and melodic laughter. Yes, timbre of voice is born quality. You can and need to work at improving it.
Try to take away harsh and too high notes from your voice and laughter. Don’t be afraid of losing spontaneity: you’ll need self-control only in the beginning. Very soon you’ll have new voice habits.
And be sure to rehearse languorous whisper for intimate meetings.
His temperature sensibility

Scientists revealed an interesting fact: a person holding a hot cup of tea is perceived as close and nice more than one with a glass of a cold drink. You can use this knowledge trying to make a connection with a new man. Choose warm drinks for dates: latte, tea or maybe mulled wine.
Of course, in summer heat hot tea can be inappropriate. But if you drink coffee in well-conditioned place, this will be it.
The first kiss

The meaning of this moment can hardly be overestimated. Many receptors are used during a kiss – tactile, olfactory, sensory ones. Emotional part of the process also has a great meaning.
As is known, nearly sixty percent of men don’t try to continue the relationship if the first kiss was a failure.
What measures can be taken?
First keep hygiene of your mouth and don’t kiss after meal. Second don’t overuse lipstick. Third watch the state of lips’ skin. Fourth don’t tense, but relax and try to get pleasure.
That’s all – observance of these rules increase the chance that after the first kiss the second and the third will follow.
Pay attention: increase doesn’t mean guarantee. There is also subconscious that works at its’ own laws. But working on your body, voice and femininity of behavior is useful in any case. This is necessary not only for attraction of a man, but also for your own harmony and happiness.