When you see a couple making love in interesting positions on a screen you admire them and think “I want to try it too!” But when you try to repeat in it in real life, it’s clear that effective positions has different inconveniences which can spoil the pleasure. And it can be said not only about exotic and acrobatic positions like making sex upside down or in bridge position, but also about quite usual and common ones.
In this article we will tell what men feel in some poses, but are shy to admit.
Cowgirl position

They write in journals that this pose is one of the most favourite man pose. Indeed you can relax and watch breasts and face of your excited partner, who rules the process. But in real life everything is different a little bit.
First, in this pose much depends on girl’s ability to feel her partner condition. Man can’t speed up or slow down, when he needs, he has to rely on the girl.
The third this pose is considered to be one of the most traumatic. One wrong movement of a girl can lead to big troubles for a man and it makes feel pressure.
Reverse cowgirl position
To all disadvantages above one can add a couple more.
A woman sits her back to a man and he got no almost has no feedback. He doesn’t see her facial expression and can’t estimate her condition. It can be said that he sees nothing interesting because to see her butt he must stretch his neck in uncomfortable way.
Besides in this pose penis enters vagina under completely unphysiological angle and it makes risk of trauma higher.

Sex on a side is considered to take less energy. For many couples it is a good way after a hard working day. If one uses this position just not to spend much energy, everything is ok. But if the couple wants to have wild and passionate night, spooning is not the way. Active actions form man will lead to aches in hands and lower back. And all the action and strain goes to a man.
Missionary position

This position is the most common in the world. After having tried many positions many couples return to this one because it is easy. Nevertheless there is one serious disadvantage for men – they have to hold their own weight on their hands, and it takes good physical training. And if the process becomes longer, strength can go away.
Besides in this pose woman is not very active and man has to move all the time, it tires very fast.
Sitting position

Again moving in sitting position is hard for a man and gives much load on lower parts of the back. Besides he has to hold a girl and think how to make everything safe. On the other hand sex in this position gives a very close interaction. So you don’t have to refuse it, you just need to control the load, changing the positions of the bodies in time.
69 position
Despite effectiveness not many couple can get real pleasure in this position. Doesn’t matter who is up or under both have to control their movements and body position. It doesn’t let one relax and concentrate on pleasure which the partner tries to give you. Difference in height also makes everything harder. The bigger it is the stronger is discomfort, because one of the partners has to stretch his neck to reach the genitals and the other one has to contract his back.
Of course this position should be tried once or twice. Who knows maybe you are the lucky ones who can practice it really good. But if it was not successful don’t think that you are bad lovers. Just change the position.
Standing with a girl on hands

There is nothing to explain here: it’s difficult for a man to make sex holding his partner on his hands. Even if she skinny and light (and it means not less than 50 kg) even if he leans her against the wall (it can ease the burden a little bit)! Yes, you can have fun in this position for a couple of minutes but then it’s better to change it.
The couples where a man practices power sports can be exclusions. In other cases it is easy to traumatize a back and suffer from it for the whole life.