TYou met a charming young man and liked him so much, that you hooked up with him. And imagine he doesn’t call you back… What happened? Are really so bad in bed? Or maybe he was just a usual pick-up guy, who wants to have sex with as many girls as possible?
The first reason can be thrown away as unlikely one. As for the second one – yes, it happens. But these are not the only possible reasons. Quite often behavior of a man depends not on sex itself (experienced men and women understand that the first sex act doesn’t always bring extravaganza). It depends on how much a woman talks. Yes, everybody knows that after sex girls can be really talkative. But there are situations when it’s better to keep silence.
So which phrases should not be said?
Is that all?

If woman is very sexy, man can have troubles with restricting his feelings. Especially he had no sex for a long time. But even everything was too quick, the phrase “it that’s all?” will give no further prospects.
If sex was too fast, the man will worry himself. Give him some time and he will find the way to give you pleasure. You can help by giving him a cue, letting improve the situation.
Forbidden phrases are also: “you are out of shape today”, “it was no good this time”, “why so quick” and etc. They are unacceptable not only after the first date, but if you are married for 15 years.
Men are very vulnerable, when their sexuality is criticized. Such phrases can give them fear, which will make them bad lover. And there are less men than women!
If you want long and happy relationship, just admire him. Even if this time was not good enough.
No, we don’t want you to tolerate bad sex: one should work at improving it and talk about problematic subjects. But the conversation shouldn’t be started after sex and it shouldn’t have critical mood. It should sound like a wish: dear, I would like this or that…
Come on! Don’t stop!

Demanding to continue after man had an orgasm means contradiction with his physiology. After rapture men can’t continue howsoever a woman asks for it. And in this situation woman’s perseverance causes irritation instead of erection.
Man needs to take some time, drink coffee or beer, take a shower and recover. During this time you can do something useful: take a shower, make coffee or sandwiches for both of you. And his power will be recovered much faster.
Did you like it?

Didn’t you notice it by his behavior, breath and sounds? Such question won’t raise positive emotions. And do you really want to know the answer? Maybe this time you were no good. Do you think you want to know an honest response?
Just be attentive to his behavior, facial expression and then you don’t have to ask stupid questions.
I am in hurry!

Jumping out of bed and running away just after sex can hurt anybody. Would you like it when your partner started putting on his clothes having just climaxed?
If you spent some time for sex, then try to find additional 10-15 minutes in your busy schedule just for lying together. These moments of intimacy are priceless for both, because exactly this can make new relationship possible.
You know, my ex…
It doesn’t matter if want to talk about ex-lovers in a negative or a positive way. Just remember: any reference about them must be forbidden. And even if you have strong associations or want to remember something funny or interesting, let’s settle it: not here and not now.
We need to talk

Well… after this phrase many of us just feel uneasy and we don’t’ expect anything good of this conversation… Do you really need to discuss your matter right now? Try to find time for it some other day. And now just enjoy the moment!
When will you call back?
Don’t put any pressure on him, it can cause opposite result of what you expect. Even if you want to get certainty and even if you fell in love, give him some time to think, to estimate the situation and to make a decision.
If he is interested in you, in our age of digital technologies he will find a way to contact with you. And no case, no trial.